Dinaldi Chamber VR Experience

App Instructions & Additional Information

We Suggest Using Google Cardboard

DinalediVR is designed for Google Cardboard. You can make your own Cardboard Viewer from a box, some Velcro, and a soda bottle!



To get Cardboard viewers for your classroom, contact us or order from Google.


App Instructions

  1. Where am I going?

    The Rising Star Cave is in the Cradle of Humankind, a UNESCO World Heritage site near Johannesburg, South Africa.

  2. The Chamber

    The Dinaledi Chamber is 30 meters underground and to get there one must squeeze through an 18 cm gap.

  3. What will I find?

    You will experience what the cave looked like in March 2018.

    As you explore the cave, you will find fossils that belong to Homo naledi, an ancient human relative.

  4. How to explore

    Look in all directions around the cave.

    Look directly at the fossils to highlight them.

    The Virtual Dinaledi experience can be exited at any time.

    **** (space held for how to grab fossils in Cardboard)****

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We are thrilled to reveal our first completely transformed exhibit hall since opening five years ago. With twice as many interactive displays, and innovative content and experiments, you'll be transported through the human journey as you explore the traits and abilities that are essential and unique to being human.

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